Monday, July 26, 2010

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

Ones To Watch: Kathryn Bigelow

Kathryn Bigelow tells us why she wanted to make "The Hurt Locker" and what she felt pressure to do during the shoot.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sonae - Improving Life

Novas marcas no grupo Sonae
10 de Fevereiro de 2010, por RUI OLIVEIRA MARQUES em Meios & Publicidade

Mais do que uma marca, a nova identidade corporativa da Sonae “é um sistema ajustável e adaptável”, justifica Paulo Azevedo, CEO da Sonae, no site já online, criado para explicar a nova identidade do grupo. Criada pela Ivity, a identidade adapta-se aos vários momentos da instituição e pode adquirir, por isso, várias formas. “Queremos reforçar os atributos da marca que já possuímos mas também integrar atributos novos. Queremos continuar a ser conhecidos como uma companhia nova e dinâmica e entusiasta mas queremos comunicar a nossa fantástica capacidade de inovar, as nossas competências mais evoluídas e a nossa abertura”, refere Paulo Azevedo. A nova identidade é ainda acompanhada pela assinatura Improving Life.

Novas marcas

O rebranding apresentado hoje no Porto é acompanhado pela divulgação das novas marcas que resultam da separação dos negócios de retalho, anunciada pela Sonae em Março do ano passado. A Sonae MC (Modelo Continente) designa agora os negócios do retalho de base alimentar e a Sonae SR (Specialized Retail) os de retalho especializado. A gestão imobiliária ligada ao retalho passa a operar sob a marca Sonae RP (Retail Properties). A Sonae Sierra (centros comerciais) e a Sonaecom (telecomunicações) também adoptam uma nova imagem

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Aides Commercial

gency: TBWA, Paris
Client: Aides
Date, Jan 15, 2010
Category: TVC
Genre: Visual
Tags: PSA

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Sky from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.

Filmed in Dubai over 5 days and nights.

Shot on the Canon 7D, 2x5DmkII and one Panasonic GF1

Dedicated to Sky Vassar who died recently at a tragically young age.

Please read my blog for BTS info.

Thanks to Media Prima and Talkabout Media

Friday, January 1, 2010

10 tendências para 2010

Dia 7 de Janeiro pelas 19:30, no Grande Auditório da Culturgest, Lançamento do Anuário CCP e exibição do documentário Art&Copy.

Seven years from now, what will you have to show for what you're doing right now?

"(...)The thing is, we still live in a world that's filled with opportunity. In fact, we have more than an opportunity -- we have an obligation. An obligation to spend our time doing great things. To find ideas that matter and to share them. To push ourselves and the people around us to demonstrate gratitude, insight, and inspiration. To take risks and to make the world better by being amazing.(...)"

" (...)You get to make a choice. You can remake that choice every day, in fact. It's never too late to choose optimism, to choose action, to choose excellence. The best thing is that it only takes a moment -- just one second -- to decide.
Before you finish this paragraph, you have the power to change everything that's to come. And you can do that by asking yourself (and your colleagues) the one question that every organization and every individual needs to ask today: Why not be great?(...)"

by Seth Godin

Quentin Tarantino’s Top 8 Movies of 2009

10 Most Memorable Events of the Decade

Top 10 Special Events of the Decade

Event Planning Highlights: 10 Most Memorable Events of the Decade

Re-live the most magical special events of the 1st decade of the 21st century

What makes an event exceptional? Some events have high production values and special effects that are so stunning that they practically take your breath away. Other events are considered to be outstanding because they are pivotal. They represent a truly innovative approach, usher in a new era or mark an important historical event. Events that bring people around the world together to share an inspiring and emotionally engaging experience are definitely considered to be outstanding. The most significant events are those that raise awareness and funds for various worthwhile causes such as the fight against poverty, hunger and disease. While no 2 individuals are likely to have identical top 10 lists, we can probably reach a consensus about a number of events that were memorable and well executed.

10. Slum Dog Millionaire's Sweep of the Academy Awards (2009)

8. Opening Ceremony for the Atlantis Hotel in Dubai (2008)